Our services
What we do
Media training services
Our services create confident operators across whole range of public/group communication situations the modern multi-media world throws up. That starts with media training that creates, skilled, focused, confident spokespeople and equips them with the tools to deliver in the spotlight, optimising the opportunity and minimising the risk.
Podcast, panel and presentation training
Our intensive sessions can be tailored to train for one or any combination of the communication opportunities our new landscape offers. They all require their own variations in skills and approach, but the best podcast, panel and presentation appearances are all about grasping the moment to tell your story.
Exercising your plans
The best plans are the ones that have been tested, drilled, and sense checked. That’s why we create exercises that rigorously test your plans, bringing the story to life with real scenarios, simulating media and public responses to the issues you worry about, while drilling your processes and giving your team experience with challenges they can carry into the real thing.
Crisis communications support
Crisis comms support can be about about two distinct services. Firstly, applying expertise and insights while the skies are clear and calm to put strong plans and processes in place. And secondly, when the storm breaks, it can be about having someone with the composure, calm, insights and experience to manage the message and defend your reputation. Years of experience writing headlines and even more responding to them, means we have the expertise to talk you through what you need before bad things happen, and the insights and savvy to take charge if they already have.
How do you make media training realistic?
We create scenarios that capture the specific issues you’re facing, or realistic ones that you could. We use those to develop messaging and rehearse interviews on camera, combining comms specialist insights with the interviewing experience of a former journalist to create a very real experience.
Will you make us sound like politicians?
The short answer is “no”, the longer answer is “the opposite”. Politicians are judged, and judge themselves, differently. The people who see your spokesperson need to decide whether they trust and believe them. Quickly. The biggest buzzwords in our world right now are authenticity and trust.
Why should I use a specialist media trainer?
PR companies and journalists offer media training that will cover some of the bases, but it’s not their day job. Specialist providers combine expertise in the media landscape, understanding of the audience and how they absorb information, and expertise in developing and getting the most out of each individual spokesperson or speaker. Doing this every day for big names makes a big difference. It’s what we do.
How much do media training services cost?
Nearly always less than you think. We always provide a range of options with a price structure to reflect that – and we won’t do that until we’ve understand what you need. Get in touch to talk about your needs – a quick chat is all we need to establish the job and, if we think we’re the right people for it, a quote.
Will you come to us?
We travel across the UK and have also delivered our services in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. We bring camera and presentation kit to your location so if it’s got a table and chairs and power we can make it work. Another option is the broadcast studios we use in London and Manchester.
Does media training online work?
Face to face is best but online training is a great tool, especially when you’re short of time, when you’ve got a range of people, when diaries are hard to juggle or when budgets are tight. It is also a great option if your spokesperson is already trained or experienced and is seeking a refresher.
Can you make my spokesperson more confident?
We can’t change personalities but 20 years of experience shows that we build our delegate’s confidence through helping increase understanding of the unknowns, instilling a simple toolkit and rehearsing it to show it works. That’s why of the consistently used word in our feedback is “confidence”.
Do your services include urgent crisis comms support?
Yes. Many organisations operate without crisis expertise in their comms teams because it is needed so rarely. Consequently, when it is needed, it’s often out of the blue and quite scary. Get in touch to see how we can help.