Our services

What we do

Our services create confident operators across whole range of public/group communication situations the modern multi-media world throws up. That starts with media training that creates, skilled, focused, confident spokespeople and equips them with the tools to deliver in the spotlight, optimising the opportunity and minimising the risk.

Our intensive sessions can be tailored to train for one or any combination of the communication opportunities our new landscape offers. They all require their own variations in skills and approach, but the best podcast, panel and presentation appearances are all about grasping the moment to tell your story.

The best plans are the ones that have been tested, drilled, and sense checked. That’s why we create exercises that rigorously test your plans, bringing the story to life with real scenarios, simulating media and public responses to the issues you worry about, while drilling your processes and giving your team experience with challenges they can carry into the real thing.

Crisis comms support can be about about two distinct services. Firstly, applying expertise and insights while the skies are clear and calm to put strong plans and processes in place. And secondly, when the storm breaks, it can be about having someone with the composure, calm, insights and experience to manage the message and defend your reputation. Years of experience writing headlines and even more responding to them, means we have the expertise to talk you through what you need before bad things happen, and the insights and savvy to take charge if they already have.

How do you make media training realistic?

Will you make us sound like politicians?

Why should I use a specialist media trainer?

How much do media training services cost?

Will you come to us?

Does media training online work?

Can you make my spokesperson more confident?

Do your services include urgent crisis comms support?